10の断章について倉方俊輔1971年東京都生まれ。大阪市立大学大学院工学研究科准教授。著書に『東京レトロ建築さんぽ』『ドコノモン』『吉阪隆正とル・コルビュジエ』ほか。社会的活動として日本最大級の建築公開イベント「イケフェス大阪」、品川区「オープンしなけん」など。About the ”10 Fragments”There are many elements embedded within a work of architecture. The relationship between ornaments and space, the arrangement of structure and materials, the balance between its purpose and its size. From the delicate ornaments to the relationship a structure forms with the rest of the district, one can discover unforeseen charms in all architectural works by observing those elements in parts from the appropriate angles.
This website includes a commentary by the architectural historian, Shunsuke Kurakata, seeking to explicate the Mitsui Main Building as a work of architecture. What meaning its colonnades have, what kind of intent is behind the placement of the great safe in the basement floor or the stone material used. Please feel free to utilize this reading matter on the ten elements of the Mitsui Main Building as a guide to deciphering the thoughts put into the structure, passed on from the past generation to the present.Shunsuke KurakataBorn in 1971 in Tokyo, Japan. Shunsuke Kurakata is an associate professor at Department of Engineering, Graduate School of Engineering, Osaka City College, and also an author of numerous books, including “Nostalgic Building Tokyo”, “Doko no mon”, and “Yoshizaka Takamasa Le Corbusier”. Alongside, he has been involved in social activities, including “Living Architecture Museum Festival in Osaka”, the largest annual architectural festival in Japan, and “Open Shinagawa Architecture” in Shinagawa. -
建物の基本デザインを決めるにあたっては、「形式に於て新しきもの所謂『モダン』は君の採らざる所」とされ、建設の指揮をとった三井合名会社理事長・団琢磨は具体的なコンセプトを「壮麗」「品位」「簡素」の3つの言葉で示しました。脈々と受け継がれる美しさのなかに自分たちの信条を見出し、メッセージを込めた。ゆえに、三井本館は、この姿をしています。StyleA Timeless Message
In understanding the Mitsui Main Building as a work of architecture, the first thing one would need to learn about is its eclectic style.
Starting with orders in ancient Greek architecture seen in the example of the Parthenon, and moving on to Roman, Romanesque, Baroque architecture, and so forth, architectural style has developed over the course of history by repeatedly referencing older traditions, making it very much the expression of the history of both Western civilization and architecture itself. After the modern era, people have used these architectural styles as a way to articulate the building’s suitability and characteristic. For instance, one might select the Gothic style for a design of a university on the premise that centers for higher learning originates from medieval monasteries, and for a design of the diet building, a style of buildings from the 17th century, for the reason that their country has enjoyed the height of its prosperity during the period. In this way, the selection of a style is based on the purpose and setting of the building.
Among the eclectic mix of styles within the Mitsui Main Building, the one that follows the style of ancient Greek and Roman architecture is called classical architecture. There are two reasons why the Mitsui Main Building was built as a work of eclecticism, and furthermore a work of classicism.
One, classical architecture, which aims for a proportional and harmonic design in the creation of a long-standing structure of “steadfast beauty,” is the most appropriate expression of the company’s regard for decorum with the city. Another is based on the belief that the quality of steadfastness seen in classical architecture represents the essence of Mitsui’s commercial activities, among them, banking.
In determining the fundamental design of the architecture, a new, modern form was to be avoided, and Takuma Dan, the managing director of the Mitsui Gomei Kaisha who oversaw the construction process, laid out the main concept in three words, “magnificence,” ”elegance,” “simplicity.” The Mitsui Main Building is the result of the discovery of company principle within the style of architecture characterized by its beauty unaffected by the passage of time, followed by the articulation of the company message in the design. -
三井本館のオーダーの柱の高さは約12m。階を貫き、両脇2本を角柱にするなど、独自のデザインも採用されています。上階に過度な装飾はせず、わずかにセットバックして重圧感を軽減、安定感をもたせるなど、全体のバランスもこのオーダーを中心に整えられています。ClassicismAn Aesthetic Order Persisting for 2,000 Years
Order—one cannot speak of the beauty of the Mitsui Main Building without mentioning this word. It is a style of classical architecture defined by a module of a particular type of column and entablature combination and the rule of composition it adheres to.
The order that encircles the façade of the Mitsui Main Building is called the Corinthian order, which traces its roots back to the 5th Century BC in Ancient Greece. It is characterized by a slender shaft and a capital decorated with sculptures of acanthus leaves—the Pantheon in Rome is a prominent example of this order. As opposed to the engaged columns of the Pantheon, which are structural elements that bear a load of their entablature, the columns lining the exterior of the Mitsui Main Building are pilasters, only serving a decorative purpose. They were employed to represent its robust exterior design made using steel reinforced concrete construction.
The earliest use of pilasters dates back to ancient Roman architecture. It was a significant conceptual breakthrough that overturned the idea that the beauty of colonnades adhering to a strict rule of composition is—for structural reasons that necessitate the use of engaged columns—limited to temple-like architecture. By articulating an order characterized by its use of columns strictly with a design language, divorced from the structural requirements, it became possible to realize the same beauty with an architecture of any scale and structure.
The grooves and decorations on the columns change their impression by the minute depending on the position of the sun, adding to the expression of the town. Looking at these majestic pilasters soaring way over human-scale, one cannot help but feel awe and pride. It is this magical element of splendor that has impressed people for more than two thousand years, to work as an underlying power of classical architecture.
The columns of the order of the Mitsui Main Building are approximately 12-meters tall. They follow a unique design, piercing through multiple floors and with two square columns placed at both ends of each side. Also seen in the examples of a lack of lavish decorations on the upper sections and slight setbacks on the façade, giving it a stable look, while reducing a sense of heaviness, the structure sticks to its order in the creation of a well-balanced exterior. -
そして、そのアメリカ型の設計・建設システムを日本に導入することは、その後の日本の建築技術を飛躍的に向上させました。石工事ひとつとっても、アメリカに発注した削石機や加工機の存在は大きく、三井本館の建設をきっかけに進んだ石材工業発展の成果は、のちの〈国会議事堂〉建設でも発揮されたといわれています。TechnologySetting a Precedent for the Recovery of the Tokyo City
The Mitsui Main Building was designed by the American architectural firm, Trowbridge & Livingston. Renowned for their design of the J.P. Morgan Building or the extension to the New York Stock Exchange, it was considered one of three major architectural firms in New York at the time. James Stewart & Co., another American company, oversaw the construction. Both were familiar with working with the style of classical architecture and boasted cutting-edge and top-class technical knowledge and achievements.
The building’s construction period lasted three years, completing in 1929 (Showa 4). The planning began in 1923 (Taisho 12), on the same year the Great Kanto earthquake struck. Since the reconstruction was set in motion due to the severe fire damage suffered by the previous Mitsui Main Building, it placed absolute priority on the creation of a structure with unprecedented resistance to earthquake and fire. The president of the Mitsui Gomei Kaisha, Hachiroemon Takamine Mitsui, requested for a structure that could withstand an earthquake with twice the intensity.
The company wished to see the realization of its new sturdy Main Building, which would live through the forthcoming era, at the earliest possible date in order to set the precedent for the restoration of the city. Completing the construction of a structure with the scale of the current Mitsui Main Building over a span of just three years was unthinkable within the context of Japan, and therefore, the two above-mentioned firms were selected to fulfill this mission.
At the time, America displayed the world’s most advanced technology and high-speed development with city planning. This was able to manifest against the backdrop of the citizens’ enthusiasm to construct their city with their own hands. It is through this continued effort to build large-scale public facilities, such as stations and city halls, that would serve as the bedrock for civil society—instead of the type of European architecture catered to the royals and nobles—the American technology of both design and construction was able to make practical advancements.
The introduction of American design and construction to Japan stirred up rapid progress with the Japanese architectural technology to follow. For instance, looking at the aspect of stone construction out of the entire process, the machines for stone cutting and processing ordered from America played significant roles in the advancement of the field of stonemasonry, thereafter contributing to the construction of the National Diet Building. -
古典主義様式は、単なる「古い」様式ではありません。過去を受け継ぎながら、それが、あたかも、いま誕生したかのように、生き生きと用いられること、生き生きと感じられることに価値があります。装飾は、そのための装置。90年前に刻まれ、掲げられたレリーフもまた、見上げるたびに表情を変え、「街の彫刻」たる壮麗さをプラスしています。SculptureVigorous Narratives Engraved on the Structure
The Mitsui Main Building features a granite façade, made with granite from Inada, Ibaraki Prefecture. The stonework was handled by three Japanese companies Nakanogumi, Kashiwagigumi, and Nabeshima Stones at a plant in Tsukudajima Tokyo based on the specifications, scale drawings, and models prepared by James Stewart & Co., the American company in charge of construction.
One can consider each granite columns with flutes a huge stone sculpture, or the entire facade as a single sculptural work displayed on the street. Furthermore, the reliefs on the building’s upper section can be appreciated as a work of art, all engraved with unique and detailed narratives. There are 12 different designs—four designs each set on the building’s eastern, western, and southern sides—each representing Mitsui’s business and its activities, as well as company spirit.
For example, on the eastern side of the building facing the Chuo Street, there are reliefs with the design of a “spinning wheel, mulberry, and cocoon” indicating production, industry, and sericulture; “honeycomb,” prudence and diligence; “globe, star, scale, and caliper,” mathematics; and “still and test tube,” chemical industry. Some are traditional motifs from the pre-industrial society and others are newer motifs that connote the arrival of modern industry. The fact that these designs of reliefs were already depicted in the elevation section of the architectural drawing shows that these designs were devised as a part of the structure from the very beginning. From having reliefs on three sides of the façade—which in most structures tend to adorn only its front—the Mitsui Main Building shows consideration towards every direction of its surrounding area.
Classical architecture cannot be regarded as an old, obsolete style. They have value as a style of architecture that embodies the past, all the while continuing to impart to new values in the present. Ornaments are devices that help embellish a structure with this vigorous feel. These reliefs, engraved and ingrained 90 years ago, display a varied expression every time one looks up, adding to the magnificence of the building that can be deemed a sculpture of the town. -
三井本館の建設は、日本の建築界の転機となる、一大プロジェクトでした。総事業費は、2,131万円。現在の貨幣価値にすると約1,000億円で、当時の一般的なビルの建設費の10倍です。使われた鉄骨の量も群を抜いていて、60年代以降に建てられた超高層ビルの2倍以上の計算になります。注目すべきは、この前代未聞のビッグプロジェクトを遂行するため、合理的な人員監理がなされたこと、施工を効率よく進めるための工法が導入されたこと。また、全館冷房など、設備の大部分が日本初のものであり、その先鋭は若き建築家の、そして、日本の近代建築のゆりかごになりました。ArchitectA Cradle of Modern Architecture that Nurtured Young Talents
Gunpei Matsuda and Toshiro Yamashita. They are two young architects—later to become influential figures in Japan’s architecture scene—who were behind the large-scale project of realizing the Mitsui Main Building.
Gunpei Matsuda, born in 1894, was a founder of the firm, MHS Planners, Architects & Engineers, who built many landmarks within Japan, including the Tokyo International Air Terminal (ex-Haneda Airport Terminal). Matsuda moved to America in 1921 to study architecture at Cornell University. Following his graduation in 1925, he aimed to begin his career at Trowbridge & Livingston upon hearing of the firm plan to oversee the design of the Mitsui Main Building. When he got in, he was able to participate since the initial planning stages of the structure and after returning to Japan in 1927, played an active role as the deputy site supervisor of the project. The young architect with a global perspective, who had studied abroad in order to absorb new architectural possibilities was able to begin his career at this very structure, the Mitsui Main Building.
Toshiro Yamashita, born in 1888, received his degree in the Department of Architecture, Faculty of Engineering at the Tokyo Imperial University (current University of Tokyo). Right after his graduation, he was appointed as the architectural technologist for the Marunouchi Building project, known today as one of the first steel-frame high-rise building to be built in an American style, and began work as a contract employee for the Mitsui Gomei Kaisha in 1925, and as the construction manager for the Mitsui Main Building project. He is also known for his later work in the project to construct Japan’s first skyscraper, Kasumigaseki Building, completed in 1968. Yamashita, now considered the mastermind of the modern office buildings, was able to train his abilities at the Mitsui Main Building.
The construction of the Mitsui Main Building was an important project that served as a turning point for Japan’s architecture scene. The total project cost was 21,310,000 yen—which is equivalent to approximately 100 billion yen today—amounting to ten times the budget of constructing a normal, so to speak, building at the time. The amount of steel-frame used in this project was also way beyond the norm, employing more than twice the amount used for skyscrapers built since the 1960s. Notable elements of this project are the implementation of rational workforce management in order to fulfill this project of unprecedented scale and the introduction of new methods to promote efficiency with construction. This cutting-edge facility, equipped with amenities new to Japan at the time, such as air conditioning, served as a cradle for both young talented architects and modern architecture of Japan. -
上階のオフィスへの入り口は、合名玄関と称される西面にあります。床も壁も、カウンターもすべて、イタリア産の大理石でシックに整えられた合名玄関の佇まいはいまも変わらず、時代に左右されない重厚さがあります。まるでひとつの「部屋」のように整えられたエレベーターも現役で、彫り込みの装飾が見事な金属製の扉も、当時の造作をそのまま残しています。BuildingThe Cornerstone of Modern Office Buildings
The Mitsui Main Building is a work of architecture representative of the early Showa Period, as well as the oldest existing American-style office building. Many know the structure for the functions of Mitsui Bank (now Sumitomo Mitsui Bank) and Mitsui Trust (now Sumitomo Mitsui Trust Bank) occupying the first floor, but it was intended as a multi-office building to house the head offices for the Mitsui Gomei Kaisha, ex-Mitsui & Co., Mitsui Soko Group, and other affiliates. From the time of its completion, the building was equipped to provide its users the state-of-the-art working environment.
The fact that the whole building had an air-conditioning and mechanical ventilation system, grabbed the attention of many at the time. Air-conditioning of the time was supplied via the ammonia-compressing device located in the building’s basement, and considering the fact that the Empire State Building or the Chrysler Building—built around the same period—weren’t equipped with such system, it was certainly a ground-breaking feature to incorporate within a building.
Many other latest systems and equipment were implemented all over the building, including turbine hot-water heating system, fire alarm, utilization of incombustible material in the interior, indoor semi-automatic fire hydrants, underfloor ducts, and more. These are now commonplace features, but were realized for the first time in this building, thereby granting it status as a cornerstone for future modern office buildings to come.
Also, although the Mitsui Main Building resembles a square-shaped box from the outside, it has three light courts on its uppermost floor, letting light into every room via its well-planned hallway scheme. This floor-plan, too, became one of the standards to refer to when designing large-scale office buildings.
The entryway into the upper office areas is located on the western side of the building with the name, the Gomei Entrance Hall. Its floor, walls, and counters all use Italian marble giving the space a chic and majestic atmosphere that remains unchanged with the passage of time. The elevator, which reminds one of an entire room by itself and the engraved metal door with an impressive design are furnishings that remain from the building’s opening days. -
ちなみに、大正・昭和初期以前の日本の銀行の多くは、1階正面に金庫があり、その立派な扉を見せることで、「財産を預ける場所」としての安心感を顧客にもってもらうことが銀行設計の定石でした。けれど、〈トローブリッジ&リヴィングストン〉事務所設計の銀行はどれも地下に金庫を収めることが多く、そのほうが安全であるのはもちろん、1階の空間を自由に設計できるというメリットもありました。金庫を地下1階とし、設備などを収めるため、地下2階も要した三井本館の工事の難易度は高く、この地下領域の開拓もまた、新しい試みのひとつでした。BankEastern Elements Hidden in the Basement.
There is a defining element in each and every building that creates its identity. For instance, in the case of a theater, it would be its stage setting. The grand entrance hall and seating area might draw one’s eyes, but without the stage setting, a theater wouldn’t be a theater, and therefore, the planning begins with the equipment of the necessary stage settings. Essential qualities tend to be found in discreet areas. For museums, having a storage space for its collection would be a necessary condition, and for the Mitsui Main Building, it is a bank.
The great safe of the Mosler Safe Company of America located on the first basement level of the building boasts a floor space of 317 square meters with a 50-ton heavy door. Considering the factors of durability and elaborateness, it is regarded as the number one bank of the East. There remains a record that details the time of its transportation, where it couldn’t go over the Nihonbashi Bridge due to weight restrictions, and thus had to be shipped by the Shintokiwabashi Bridge to be lifted on land.
On the plate of the vault door—with a diameter of 2.5 meters and thickness of 55 centimeters—the name of the manufacturer, Mosler Safe Company, is written along with the words, “DESIGNED BY TROWBRIDGE & LIVINGSTON.” This means that the design of the safe was devised along with the planning of the building, instead of merely inserting a ready-made safe into an empty space. A safe is a defining element for a bank and therefore serves as a foundation for the entire design.
In the center of the area for Mitsui Trust (now Sumitomo Mitsui Trust Bank) on the first floor, there is a big stairway that leads down to the basement floor. Walking down, one comes face to face with the bank, which is still very much in use, enshrined at the structure’s core. Within, there are more than 6,000 safe deposit boxes that are for personal use.
In the Taisho and early Meiji Era, most banks of Japan had their safes set in the middle of their first-floor area to boast their remarkable doors, in order to provide the customers with an assurance that their property is safe in their hands. However, most designs of banks handled by Trowbridge & Livingston have safes set on their basement floor for the reasons of safety, as well as the merit of having more possibilities with the design of the first-floor area. Setting the bank on the first basement floor and other equipment in the second basement floor, the construction process of the Mitsui Main Building was met with various difficulties, but this utilization of the basement area was a novel architectural attempt at the time. -
そして、天井の、この華やかなこと。天井に多彩色の装飾がなされることもまた古典主義建築の特色で、壮麗、華麗な天井装飾は、三井本館の大きな財産のひとつ。天井の修復・塗装工事はこれまでに2回、完成から27年後の1956年と、72年後の2001年に足場を組んでの大規模工事が行われました。そして今日、完成から90年経ったいまも、その美しさを保ち続けています。SpaceVoluminous and Magnificent Interior
Among the design concepts of “magnificence,” “elegance,” and “simplicity,” of the Mitsui Main Building, the element of “magnificence” is best represented in its first-floor area.
The first floor, which serves as an operations area for both Mitsui Bank (now Sumitomo Mitsui Bank) and Mitsui Trust (now Sumitomo Mitsui Trust Bank), has a floor area of 3,367.5 square meters and the ceiling height of 12.3 meters. The ceiling of the atrium is supported by well-ordered colonnades, creating an interior space without any structural walls, where one can see the whole area from one end to the other. It is possible that this is the only existing large-scale space that remains to be used for the same purpose, in an unchanged appearance from the old days.
Practically all parts of the interior are made of stone. The counters and benches are also made of stone. According to the records, the abundant usage of Italian marble in this structure was made available by transporting them from an Italian marble quarry to Venice by train, unloading in Kobe after being shipped on the Lloyd Triestino steamship, then after stopping by a factory in Gifu Prefecture, finally to Nihonbashi. The columns are made of Botticino marble, the floor is of travertine and red Levanto marble, and black-and-gold marble is used to decorate flower shapes on the baseboard. These impressive qualities of building stones are the source of the structure’s unshakable beauty.
While the slender columns of the façade are of the Corinthian order (02), these columns of the interior are Dorian. The order is marked by the burliness of the body of the column. The base and capital of the columns without decoration give them an imposing look, and thus is made in a way that one can feel the splendor of the texture and color of the stone itself.
On top of this, the interior boasts a gorgeous ceiling. Embellishing the ceiling with colorful decoration is also a characteristic of classical architecture. The majestic grandeur of the ceiling is an important asset of the Mitsui Main Building. The ceiling underwent coating and painting restoration twice so far: 26 years after its completion in 1956, and a large-scale work was done 72 years after, in 2001, when scaffolding was put up around within the building. Today, 90 years have passed, and the interior retains its beauty. -
もうひとつは、天井の梁や回り縁の彫り込みをはじめとする「装飾の細やかさ」。派手さよりも、「細やかさ」にこそ、格式が表れます。そして最後は、「暖炉」です。暖炉は、リビングという「人が集う場所」の中心にあるもの。「邸宅」の要といってもいいでしょう。ありとあらゆる場面で耐火対策を行った三井本館にあって、特別室内の暖炉はもちろん、実際に薪を燃やすタイプの暖炉ではなく、ストーブを用いる付け暖炉ですが、大理石の文様も加工も美しく、この暖炉がインテリアの格をさらに高めています。DecorumA Residence Within the Office Building
The Mitsui Main Building, a multi-office building home to many affiliate companies of the Mitsui Group (06), is equipped with special rooms and reception rooms on each of the upper floors to be used by the directors of each company.
Perhaps the decorative features of the ceiling on the first floor anticipates shiny palace-like ornaments for the special rooms upstairs. As opposed to this expectation, all special rooms are comprised of intimate and composed interiors.
This space is furnished with first-rate wood material. The ceiling beams and cornices are adorned with elaborate wood engravings. To match the wainscots of the mahogany and teak walls, the iron door is painted in faux woodgrain by the hands of paint technicians. It gives one a sensation of being inside the living room of a residence instead of the upper floors of a building. There are three important factors that shape the residence-like quality of the special rooms’ interiors.
First is its oblong window, which is evocative of a Western mansion. The oblong windows, which slenderly stretches over the windowsills, are also distinct characteristics found in the apertures of Western architecture. Hidden away at the rear of the windowsill were radiators, where the hot water was pumped into from its central heating system—its traces still remain in the windowsill. Another feature is the unassuming ornaments on cornices and ceiling beams. Decorum is especially well-represented in this quality of modesty, rather than gaudiness.
The final aspect is its fireplace. Fireplace locates the center of a living room—a place where people gather. One can say that it is the focal point of a residence. Since the Mitsui Main Building is equipped with numerous fire protection measures, the fireplaces within the special rooms are not ones that require the burning of firewood, but ones with integrated stoves. The motif and processing on the marble of the fireplace are beautiful, elevating the refinement of the interior space. -
建物は、たとえその場に在り続けたとしても、使われ続けていなければ遺跡同様で、生きた建築とはいえません。と同時に、使い続けることは、設備の更新やメンテナンスひとつとっても、容易ではありません。その時代時代での新しさを常に切り拓いてきた三井本館が、次の時代も生き続けること。それが、この地にある「新しさ」の継承の証です。HeritagePreservation as a Form of Newness
The 90-year-0ld Mitsui Main Building is actually its third manifestation. The history of the current site as a base for the Mitsui group dates back three hundred years, and the first building with the function of a bank was constructed here in 1874 (Showa 7). The architect who designed the structure was Kisuke Shimizu, the founder of the current Shimizu Corporation.
Compared to the traditional low-rise Japanese houses lining up the area, the first-generation Mitsui Main Building was noticeably tall as a three-story structure and had a Western-style balcony. It was the embodiment of the word, “modern,” and was considered one of the landmarks of Tokyo, depicted in ukiyo-e works as well.
The second-generation was completed in 1902 (Meiji 35). It was designed by Tamisuke Yokogawa, who studied architecture in America. Yokogawa picked up on steel building methods—which was beginning to be used in other parts of the world—before others and realized the first large-scale architecture to employ a steel-frame in Japan.
In retrospect, the first-generation embodied newness with design and the second-generation, newness with structure. Looking at the third-generation—the current building—its newness certainly lies in the various new attempts made at the time of its establishment, regarding the construction methods and functions, as well as new knowledge and systems that have been used to keep the structure “alive” for the next 90 years.
The Mitsui Main Building was designated as an Important Cultural Property in 1998. By 2005, the Nihonbashi Mitsui Tower, a structure with 39 floors above ground and 4 floors below, was constructed in a neighboring site by being selected as the first subject of the “Important Cultural Property Special Type Special Block System,” which was put into practice as a heritage-led city regeneration strategy. This kind of effort, managing to balance the elements of preservation and development, was a symbolic move away from the endeavor to find “original methods of construction” in the world of architecture and instead, arrival of an era in search of “original methods of preservation.”
Even if buildings have long occupied their site, they cannot be called “living architecture” if people cease to use them, and instead fall into the category of ruins. At the same time, continued usage over the years requires maintenance and renewed equipment, both of which are demanding tasks. Throughout its history, the Mitsui Main Building has shown us a newness catered to each era, and this is a proof that it will live on in the next generation: it is a heritage of “newness” that is passed down in this site.